Blogs are sites that people visit to gain information about various fields. They are often preferred to the static sites because of the personal feel they have to it. Unfortunately, some of the writers of these blogs hardly ever use their own words; instead they use the words of other writers. This beats the purpose of the blogs, since people mostly visit them to get the writer's point of view, or for many others a personalized opinion of a certain topic. There are a lot of duplicate content checker tools available across the internet for bloggers. It is advisable to check ...
In defining copyright infringement, the law has considerably narrowed all of the elements of illegal copying as plagiarism defines them. The copyright Act makes a difference between 'expression' that the law protects against copying and 'ideas' that the law does not protect. Similarly, copyright law does not protect facts, only the manner in which they are compiled or expressed; the fact themselves are in the public domain. Additionally, copyright law is not concerned with all expression but merely with particular statutorily defined categories of expression. This basic difference between infringement and plagiarism shows that while plagiarism is a failure of ...
In education, plagiarism is an ethically and multifaceted complex problem. Plagiarism occurs when a writer uses someone else's ideas, language and material deliberately without acknowledging its original source. To exclude any possibility for a student to plagiarize, several things can be done. First, instructors should earlier on encourage students' ethical behavior. A deliberate and conscious effort by instructors to create environments, which encourage ethical behavior, is possible. Creating an environment of ethical behavior can start when instructors design courses to improve students' skills, knowledge and abilities. A use of a plagiarism checker might facilitate the creations of such environment. Moreover, ...
Plagiarism has been a problem in universities and schools for years, and it has become more prevalent with the onset of the Internet. Search engines such as Google make it effortless to find thousands of works instantly, that can be then copied and pasted for a school article, paper, book and so on. Today, websites often provide whole essays on almost any topic, as a result, making it easy for students to copy another individual's work and pass it off as their own work. At times called 'paper mills', some of these websites offer completed assignments or papers and others ...
Plagiarism covers a spectrum from word for word textual copying, through changing some words but retaining the basic structure, through to copying arguments and ideas (Watkins, 2008). In simple terms, plagiarism is using someone else's ideas or thoughts without properly giving credit. The common basis is that the copying is dishonest because it is not acknowledged. If you quote from another person, and provide a citation, then generally, one is not a plagiarist. The fair dealing defense provides interesting insights into how much copying is allowed. Neither U.S. nor English copyright laws have an absolute prohibition on copying. However, plagiarism, ...
Plagiarism is a controversial issue in institutions of higher learning across Europe. Various views have been raised concerning this topic vividly indicating autonomy in terms of thinking among different European countries. It is prudent to understand what each country perceives regarding plagiarism for the sake of students who wish to study in different countries. This paper seeks to understand what the plagiarism policy means in countries such as Poland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Lithuania and, Bulgaria. According to recent survey conducted on what various students thought about the definition of plagiarism, different answers were gathered. This question seems to have worked magic ...
In Germany and Netherlands, plagiarism is a crucial problem in higher education. It is a serious offense, and for numerous reasons, it is becoming rampant. Going online makes it very easy to "steal" words, ideas, pages, and paragraphs, and paste it. However, on a positive note, the internet has made it a bit easier to find plagiarized work due to the rise of plagiarism checkers in German and Dutch languages, both free and paid. Germany has long considered it unnecessary to give plagiarism a deeper look, but things are now changing as institutions are now free to set their own penalties ...
Plagiarism in Denmark According to the Danish University Law, plagiarism is considered a serious offense and punishable. In Danish institutions, when a student is caught using an originality checker, he is given time frame to comment on the incident after which the case is forwarded to University rector (Bo Fritzbøger, 2008). Methods of Fighting Plagiarism in Denmark Danish institutions are strict when it comes to exam cheating. It is for this reason that, institutions in Denmark adopt strict detection measures. All students admitted to an institution are given rules regarding examination conduct. The rules are accompanied by penalties for each and consequences. All ...
Use of plagiarism checker tools to fight academic plagiarism in the United Kingdom becomes the issue of the day. With the invention and popularization of the internet, it has become a temptation for students than ever before. This problem has negatively affected the academic field and college and university teachers are consistently facing issues that are even more challenging. The article describes the scope of the issue along with the methods used to fight it and their effectiveness based on the results, and gives specific examples of anti-plagiarism measures on local and national UK levels. Institutions will not take and immediate ...
Every politician's nightmare is to be caught in a compromising position with an underage boy/girl. Every doctor's worst fear is to be faced with a malpractice suit. Every writer's trepidation is that somehow, someday, he/she will end up being branded a plagiarist, caught by a plagiarism checker. In the academic realm, plagiarism is rife. However, the same also occurs in the publishing world. Take the case of the author of the 2006 novel, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life Kaavya Viswanathan. Kaavya's book contained numerous passages plagiarized from other books that her writing career was ...
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