Plagiarism in Denmark
According to the Danish University Law, plagiarism is considered a serious offense and punishable. In Danish institutions, when a student is caught using an originality checker, he is given time frame to comment on the incident after which the case is forwarded to University rector (Bo Fritzbøger, 2008).
Methods of Fighting Plagiarism in Denmark
Danish institutions are strict when it comes to exam cheating. It is for this reason that, institutions in Denmark adopt strict detection measures. All students admitted to an institution are given rules regarding examination conduct. The rules are accompanied by penalties for each and consequences. All student assignments and projects are checked for plagiarism using plagiarism detector tools. Suspected materials go through several detection measures where texts are compared with either sources online or with already submitted original papers. The use of plagiarism checkers is employed by all means to determine the percentage of plagiarism. Upon detection of plagiarism students are forwarded to university rector who will then forward the case to the disciplinary committee to give verdict to the student. Danish Universities encourage zero tolerance to plagiarism hence students found are mostly suspended (Harris, 2013).
Plagiarism in Sweden
According to research, a number of cases were reported in Sweden in 2010. About 8% of students caught were suspended while the rest were issued warnings. Plagiarism cases within the last 10 years have grown by 500% and yet still increasing. When students report to the universities, they are informed about plagiarism but nothing much is done to ensure that students do not practice it.
Plagiarism is most likely to happen during students conduct research or gather information. It happens when the stakes are high, when the deadline is pressing, etc. In Sweden most plagiarism takes place in an academic setting by students. And let's not forget journalism and blogging because journalist are just like students -- always under constant pressure to produce written work.
Methods of Fighting Plagiarism in Sweden
In most Swedish universities, students are taught how to write assignments. By this doing the university hopes that students will apply these skills in the assignments without necessarily copying. Other skills taught include how to identify and cite good sources. Students are also taught how to use correct English, wordings and ideas in their assignments as a means of avoiding the need to copy. As a means of fighting plagiarism, lecturers use plagiarism checkers, but also motivate students to understand the courses hence students assignments are mainly checked for relevance and authentication. This means that students who plagiarism are not well credited hence a motivation to work extra hard to achieve good grades.
Plagiarism in Norway
The subject of plagiarism has not been accorded much significance in Norway as it should. Survey carried out recently indicated that issues addressed in Norwegian institutions included collaboration, consequences of cheating and role of libraries (Boger & Anne-Lise, 2011).
Methods of Fighting Plagiarism in Norway
Universities in Norway hand each student examination rules upon admission. Students who don't read the rules continue learning unaware of what plagiarism in all about. According to the rules, students are expected to abide by the principles of examination integrity. The rules clearly states what is considered cheating in an exam and the consequences. Once a student is caught by a plagiarism checker he is forwarded to the academic board and disciplinary measures carried out. Examiners are given the mandate of detecting and reporting plagiarism cases. Apart from the school rules, lecturers are expected to teach students rules of citation and overall information regarding plagiarism detection as a means of prevention. However, the cases of plagiarism highly depend on prior knowledge of plagiarism detection measures. Universities use anti-plagiarism software as well to detect plagiarism (Boger & Anne-Lise, 2011).
Works Cited:
Bo Fritzbøger. "Plagiarism." 15th September 2008. 13th Feb 2015 <>
Boger, Torunn Skofsrud and Eng Anne-Lise. "Student perspective on plagiarism." The Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Learning (2011): 1890-5900
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